1.信息收集 我们可能会收集以下类型的信息: 应用使用数据:包括但不限于您在应用中的活动记录,如观影和读书的记录。 设备信息:包括但不限于设备型号、操作系统版本、应用版本等。
2.信息使用 在获得您的访问权限之后,本应用将会使用这些权限提供服务: 本地文件存储:您所有编辑的活动记录都将会存在设备本地 允许访问照片:允许访问设备的照片图库,以便您可以更好的编辑记录
3.信息存储与安全 本应用产生的有关您的数据将保存在本应用沙盒中,存储于本地,不会主动上传至任何服务器,请放心使用
4.隐私政策更新 我们保留随时更新本隐私政策的权利。任何更改将在此页面上公布。在本“隐私政策”做出任何修改后,您继续使用 书影有鉴即表示您接受此类修改。
5.联系我们 如果您对本隐私政策有任何疑问,请联系我们: 电子邮件:[email protected]
Effective date: 2024-05-12
Learn from books and shadows, your personal entertainment archive. Record your cultural life, everything is under control, whether it is movies, animations, games or books, books and movies can help you record it. Just add it easily and your personal entertainment profile is instantly generated. We take our users' privacy very seriously. This privacy policy details how we collect, use and protect your personal information.
1.Information collection We may collect the following types of information: App usage data: including but not limited to your activity records in the app, such as movie watching and reading records. Device information: including but not limited to device model, operating system version, application version, etc.
2.Use of information After obtaining your access permissions, this application will use these permissions to provide services: Local file storage: All your edited activity records will be stored locally on the device Allow access to photos: Allow access to your device's photo library so you can better edit your records
3.Information storage and security The data about you generated by this application will be saved in this application sandbox and stored locally. It will not be actively uploaded to any server. Please feel free to use it.
4.Privacy Policy Update We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page. Your continued use of Shuying Youjian after any changes are made to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such changes.
5.Contact us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us: Email: [email protected]